Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Studio-407 on Live Nude Geeks!

Studio-407 is getting more and more popular. How you ask? Well for one, they end up being mentioned once a week on Live Nude Geeks on Geekscape.

I make my weekly presence on the show and talk about all things geek, from Studio-407 to Henry Cavill casted as Superman, the new Young Justice cartoon, flawlessly written and drawn Wolverine/Jubilee #1, to things not geeky, like my non-date date and what kind of men I'm into. Apparently, people in the nerd world really care, and I have no idea why. But I hope it amuses you to hear me freak out.

Here are a few things to look out for in our upcoming year with Studio-407:

Podcasts: whether it's me being cornered with questions, both about my love life and nerd world topics, or interviews with our writers and artists, stay tuned so that your ears are never bored.

Videos: Yes, our youtube channel will not only feature Studio-407 news but also booktrailers on our upcoming and already titles.

Signings/Conventions: Stay up to date through our newsletters on where we'll be signing and showing our lovely faces. Also, keep in touch through our facebook group page , facebook fan page and twitter.

Contests: Again, by keeping in touch with us, you'll know not only our upcoming titles but also enter to win PRACTICAL prizes. None of that useless crap that you'll probably throw away, we'll make you guys WEAR our prizes: t-shirts, hats, or even DRINK our prizes: cups, mugs.

Is there anything else you guys want from us? Rant below!

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