Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Digital Comics and CBD!

It's Wednesday aka Comic Book Day! 

What titles did you guys pick up after eagerly rushing off of work to your friendly local comic book retailer? Leave comments below because I want to know!

Everywhere I go, I see billboard ads for the iPad. And it gets me thinking about digital comics. Or at least, comics being read digitally. 

Whether you torrent them or purchase them online to be read, how do you feel about the move that all comic book publishers are making towards making them digital? The move is initiated by several factors such as price, all the space that comic books take up and the simplicity of being able to download them and carry them wherever you go. (plus, it is the age of technology afterall)

I breath comics, so I take them in any form that they come, yes, even audio book style. However, there is nothing like walking into a comic bookstore, breathing in the new book smell, picking up a 32 page issue in my hand, and flipping through them. The sensation of being able to hold something material in my hand is devoided when iIm scrolling up and down, pushing keyboard buttons, and zooming in and out on my monitor. Of course I can look at 2 page spreads and flip back to an earlier scene on my computer or iPad/iPhone, but I miss having an actual book in my hand. Plus, I'm super worried if I were to drop my iPad or the battery runs out. Won't have that problem when I have the "real" thing.

Whether you are old school or embracing the modern age of technology, I'm just grateful that comics are still around. The move towards the digital medium is inevitable, but do you guys think that paper comics will still be around 10 years from now? Let me know what you think! 

Studio-407 is no stranger to publishing comics in the hard copy format and having them online all ready for you! 

So pull out your iPad/iTouch/iPhone and get ready to download and read!

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